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Hi There!

I'm Yuta Asakura

Full-Stack Web Developer

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Full-Stack Developer



Here’s a look at some of my recent projects. As a full-stack web developer, I focus on building clean, responsive, and high-performing applications. Each project is a chance to refine my skills, whether I’m optimizing performance, enhancing user experience, or implementing the latest technologies. From concept to deployment, I ensure every detail is carefully crafted to deliver seamless functionality and a polished design. My passion for coding and problem-solving drives me to keep learning and adapting, making sure that every project I work on is modern, efficient, and built for real-world impact.

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About Me

Full-Stack Web Developer

Before transitioning into tech, I spent 8 years in the construction industry as a construction foreman. These experiences shaped my ability to lead teams, solve problems, and focus on delivering high-quality results, all of which I now apply to my work as a web developer. Recently, I graduated from Le Wagon Tokyo’s full-time full-stack web development bootcamp, where I honed my skills in web development. I am actively seeking a full-stack developer role where I can continue growing and contributing to meaningful projects. I’m driven by a love for learning and the endless pursuit of knowledge, as I believe it brings purpose to everything I do. My goal is to create impactful, user-centered projects while collaborating with teams to build innovative solutions. I also look forward to one day mentoring other aspiring developers. I have a particular interest in JavaScript and React, and in my free time, I enjoy bouldering, skateboarding, bodybuilding, and practicing yoga.


My Tech Skills Are:

Front-end Developer

  • HTML
  • TailwindCSS/Bootstrap
  • JavaScript (ES6)
  • ReactJS
  • NextJS